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Hazardous substances in toys: Harm to any size?

Date 05/03/2013 2:06

Hiện nay, trên thị trường tràn ngập các loại đồ chơi trẻ em không rõ nguồn gốc, đồ chơi vượt biên không đăng kiểm và không đăng ký chất lượng. Nhiều bậc cha mẹ đặt ra câu hỏi là liệu cho trẻ em chơi đồ chơi thì có độc hại không? Có cần thiết phải mua đồ chơi cho con trẻ đã qua đăng kiểm không?

Currently, the market is flooded with all kinds of toys unknown origin, fled toys unregistered and unregistered quality. Many parents question whether children's toys have toxic is it? Is it necessary to buy toys for young children through the registry does not?
The answer is "both have". It is the first child can completely poisoned by toxic toys. There are second best to purchase toys for the children through system registry.
This is necessary because children can be quite a lot of harm by the hand through the toys they cause. No discussion of the negative impact on the psychological, social and physical development of the spirit, just look at the body angle poisoning from toxic chemicals that need to have enough toys carefully selected to any size.
To understand the toxic toys like that, we must understand the structure of materials to create it. Most of the toys are made of plastic, some toys are made from rubber, from shatterproof glass, from clay, porcelain, pottery. There are a few toys are made from metals such as doll's eyes or soup spoons toys can be coated with metal. Not only that, they are covered by an outer layer of paint, colors, varnishes, printing inks, polymers. All materials and pigments are toxic substances. They can fade out, only infects the body. We can see with the naked eye only layers of hand-coloring, the child's mouth as they suck, lick toys. The "come out" too easy of toxic elements from substandard toys are the source of contamination caused.

The substance is toxic?

At the level of acute poisoning do not occur, ie mothers with children can not see inflamed right brain. But the lasting impact level, the child will have to suffer the consequences of childhood toys. For example, when coming of age, your baby may be cognitive decline compared with peers, her kidneys may be shrunken and frightening than cancer since I was very young, age is also best fit.

In terms of substance, the child can be poisoned from the dangerous infectious factors alone. The main factors are the elements that make up the plastic materials, glass, metals, food coloring. They consist of 10 dangerous elements: Stibium (Sb), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), Cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), selenium (Se), Chlorine (Cl) and sulfur (S). These elements should be considered the first and most basic safety inspection when toxic chemical toys. Also, be aware of fomaldehyde in plastic products.
These elements, when alone, they can be toxic. Though not cause severe acute disease, but they do have the ability to accumulate and cause chronic diseases with the development silently. They can cause many different diseases. Some typical patient is brain disease, cognitive decline, hepatitis, renal failure, renal atrophy, children sleep disorders, hemolysis, liver cancer, kidney, lung, stomach ... These are serious diseases, extremely dangerous to children.
Depending on the infection only elements, depending on the amount of contamination is much that only children can be poisoned with the expression and the different levels. Not all the children's toys are unsafe can be poisoned as above, not all chemical poisoning from toys are full of such condition, but there are signs and pathology can be met.
In the first stage, the child may be a manifestation of certain disorders, such as crying, loss of appetite, refusing to eat, sleep deeper, and awake, or vomiting, or stomach upset.
According to Vietnam standards, the maximum concentration of the infectious substance alone is only within limits. Specifically, the unit is mg / kg Sb toys up to 60, 25 As, Ba la100, 75 Cd, 60 Cr, Pb, 90, 60 Hg, Se is 500. The simulation food toy as flowers, leaves, fruits, animals are toys may suck, lick even more vigilance.

 Be careful when choosing toys for young children. Photo: Tuan Anh
Choose how toys?

Prior to the harmful effects of chemical above, choose safe toys are essential. This is the smart choice for your child. You can spend a lot of money to buy more toys for the kids, but standard benefit your future child is much greater than that.
With Vietnam, the toys children toy standards are labeled with two letters of the CR Ministry of Science and Technology. The toys have been safety tested in many ways, of which only the infection of chemical elements.
When choosing toys, we pay special attention to groups prone to toxic toys. These are kids toy can suck, lick, hold, hold. The toys are easy to gastrointestinal toxicity and skin. Absolute need toys too easy to avoid fading. For example, just stick a bit of water on the green, flashy red fade out, this is likely to cause toxic toys. The toy smell a strange smell like burning plastic, musty odors, burning smell is the lack of safe toys, should stay away.
When babysitting, attention is not limited to young sucking toys, hygiene memory clean toys for children exposed before. And of course, you still need to do much more to ensure safety, increase child intelligence.
BS.Le Thanh Huyen