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Constipation medicines prolong watch sicker

Date 04/06/2013 10:17

Có nhiều nguyên nhân dẫn đến táo bón như do ăn uống không hợp lý (thiếu chất xơ, uống ít nước), ít vận động, stress, do uống một số loại thuốc... Nếu để táo bón lâu ngày có thể gây nổi mụn trên da, trĩ, nhiễm độc cơ thể. Tùy theo cơ chế tác dụng, thuốc điều trị táo bón được chia ra các loại sau:

There are many causes of constipation such as inappropriate diet (lack of fiber, drink less water), physical inactivity, stress, certain drugs by drinking ... If constipation for a long time can cause skin rashes, hemorrhoids, toxic body. Depending on the mechanism of action, constipation treatment is divided into the following categories:

Treatment of massive constipation (igol, Metamucil): this group contains fiber, fiber (from the bark, seeds, roots), mucus (jelly seaweed), wheat bran, which is made up of particles can keep a small volume of water several times their volume. When taking the drug will increase the water absorption integral in the rectum can create natural reflex incontinence. The drugs were relatively slow effect but little interference in normal functioning of the colon than other laxatives.

Treatment of constipation osmotic (sorbitol, forlax, lactitol) containing inorganic salts, sugar. When taking the medication to help keep the water in the gut feces out easier.

Use cure constipation lasts 1 Beware sicker


The stool softener (docusat): help water seep into stools, soft stools and easy to move over.

Lubricating agents (norgalax, microlax): anal pump. Drugs containing mineral oil (paraffin), soaks up good material (glycerin). Do not use too long as it may irritate the lining of the rectum, causing rectal mucosal injury.

Treatment of constipation stimulation (bisacodyl, cascara): direct drug effects on neural functioning of intestinal secretion, causing muscle contractions of the intestinal peristalsis push the feces out. Do not take this medicine more than a week because they can cause stomach cramps and diarrhea. Do not use this drug class for pregnant women and only used when other treatments fail.

Also can use treatments other support: use yogurt or milk powder fiber supplements, herbal tea ...
As for the constipation medicine should be noted, do not use any medicine to cure constipation lasting more than 8-10 days. Using drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. After treatment helps the body overcome constipation, need to adjust the lifestyle, diet, exercise and not appropriate substance abuse treatment prolonged constipation. To prevent constipation should make bowel habits daily in a certain period of time (preferably in the morning when you wake up), do not be silent if I'm unhappy defecation; should eat more vegetables and fruits contain many fiber, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water daily will help clean the digestive tract and stool softeners to be pushed out easily.