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Cancer vaccine synthesis

Date 05/03/2013 2:07

Các nhà khoa học thuộc Trường đại học Gorgia, Mỹ vừa nghiên cứu một loại vắc-xin mang tên herceptin với khả năng phòng ngừa tổng hợp lên tới khoảng 7 loại ung thư có tỷ lệ tử vong cao hiện nay như: ung thư tiền liệt tuyến, ung thư tuỵ, ung thư đường ruột và ung thư buồng trứng...

Cancer vaccine synthesis

Scientists at the University of Gorgia, U.S. researchers have a vaccine called Herceptin with the ability to prevent the synthesis of 7 types of cancer have higher mortality at present, such as prostate cancer gland, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer and ovarian cancer ...
The mechanism of anti-cancer vaccines Herceptin like many other drugs on the market today that pharmaceutical to stimulate the immune system against cancer cells. In cancer cells contain large amounts of proteins called paragraph 1 by the cancer cells produce and sugar coating on the cancer cells. The vaccine will prevent cancer, containing a small amount of this protein, when put into our bodies will work to train the body's immune system, so that the immune system can recognize the presence of international cancer cells and the immune system can actively attack.
Researcher Sandra Gendler said: Although the tumors can become resistant to many drugs currently on the market, but with Herceptin, effectively prevent drug resistance with 70% of the experimental cancer experiments on mice.
In addition to the preventive effects, vaccines Herceptin can be used in the prevention of cancer recurrence after surgery and prevention of disease arising in those with cancer-causing gene. This is considered a long-term treatment with high sustainability and compared with other methods of cancer treatment today.
            Ngoc Minh City (According to The Medical News